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Efficient Broadband Vital For SME Development

A recent in-depth UK study has concluded that many small companies are being very innovative in using better connectivity to make real savings and take advantage of opportunities for growth. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) stated that this investigation has highlighted that the sector was progressing but faced a gulf that was widening between the expectation of customers and the quality of broadband service from providers.

Because of this drift, the FSB has now suggested that a new voluntary code of practice be put into force to set right the issues that are holding up the digital ambition of UK businesses. Many SMEs understand the fantastic opportunities that are available online, but a lot are holding back because they are not confident that the quality of service would enable them to build a future. An industry code of practice would see suppliers commit to certain speed and reliability standards and make contracts more transparent.

FSB policy director Mike Cherry has previously said: “Large numbers of small firms are using new digital technology to revolutionise the way they do business, but the market still has barriers stopping firms from seizing these opportunities. The success of the digital revolution has led to ever higher expectations from businesses and consumers which at times the market struggles to deliver. Business customers feel confused by the complexity of the market and struggle to assess how new services would benefit their business.”

Mr Cherry added that having a voluntary code would simplify everything “and build trust between business customers and service providers.”

It is hoped that if this is put in place, then it will give a much-needed boost to this sector of the UK economy. Standardisation of quality may not solve all of the problems, but it will certainly be a good start.