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SMEs Call For IT To Be Less Complex

Although businesses around the globe have been flooded with Cloud services that are supposedly simple to use and easy to access, new research has highlighted some significant issues. It seems that in the UK, small and medium-sized enterprises are finding it difficult to get to grips with their personal IT needs, and almost a quarter complain about the infrastructure being just too difficult to manage.

The survey was undertaken by Censuswide for essensys, and utilised 350 SME decision makers. It discovered that many of them think their IT infrastructure is causing problems. Around 33 per cent at board level have already concluded that their IT is far too complex. The subsequent report of the findings revealed that many CEOs wished that their company’s profit didn’t rely so much on IT specialists.

The CEO at Essensys, Mark Furness, commented on the results of the study: “We believe that businesses should expect more from their IT infrastructure. IT should indeed play a key role in leading change and innovation inside organisations rather than be a barrier and a source of frustration. Businesses should therefore no longer accept IT solutions that are reliant on complex management tools, have high maintenance demands and are difficult to scale.

“IT can really be a main driver of productivity and competitiveness and thankfully, the experience is a lot better than what most people expect.”

With almost 25 per cent of SMEs claiming that IT was a bottleneck in their operations, the report “Making IT the solution and not the problem” examines what small businesses actually want from technology.

Companies such as Vodafone are listening to what businesses want from their IT, with the introduction of Unified Communications solutions such as Vodafone One Net.