We are creatures of habit; the loyalty to brand and platforms from both consumer and customer is based upon legacy faith and app integration.
This is changing as new brands and systems appear on the mobile market – new capabilities and ease of integration into existing systems is changing the mobile purchasing habits of users.
Apple’s longevity in the smartphone market has led to a certain loyalty to the brand. However as the company searches for the next paradigm breakthrough in mobile handset technology, some consumers consider the Apple price premium is not one they want to pay anymore.
Consumers are wary of some of Apple’s modifications and want a reliable handset that can be easily used and integrated into company systems, but is still familiar in its basic functionality.
Samsung provide great handsets, even after the battery issues with the S7, and the Android bandwagon is unstoppable now”; 88% of phones shipped globally in Q3 2016 used the Android operating system (OS).
Android has a more flexible OS, which is able to interface with many third-party app developers (though innovative app development has never been an issue for Apple). There is room in the market for new suppliers to take a hold – the Chinese giants of Huawei and ZTE are slowly making their presence felt and they have an opportunity to challenge the market leaders. The market is very consumer-led, but fundamental changes through 2017 are not foreseen, with small upgrades the order of the day/year.
When faced with moving from one OS to another, or integrating different operating systems, Onecom helps companies by advising on those that would fit best with their existing software and hardware infrastructure, and critically, which OS is best suited to company’s future requirements and business objectives.
When looking at a new device, consumers want to match the brand with tablets and laptops for easier syncing – especially for remote workers who need to seamlessly sync with company systems. Many consumers are turning to apps to communicate, avoiding signal services and using web-based/social media systems for data usage, which has been reflected in the shift to prioritising more data over voice and SMS.
Of course there is a good argument against upgrading your 4G phones anytime soon. Despite what the Government says, the UK and Europe network roll out of 4G is lagging far behind China and the rest of the Far East. Current 4G handsets could operate much faster but we don’t have the network to support them.
Rather than choosing a new tariff, handset and operating system every 12 months, Onecom’s customers tend to opt for longer, 24 month contracts, ensuring they remain on a price plan they want for longer, allowing them to avoid the headache of frequently looking at migration plans and worrying about system integration.
After all, we’re creatures of habit.