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Our Environmental, Social & Governance Statement

We appreciate that, along with business growth, comes real responsibility and the opportunity to lead by example in our industry, and that effective and sustainable environmental, social and governance (ESG) management should be an extension of the business, not a formality.

Our Sustainability Mission

To actively promote environmental, social and governance (ESG) measures across our operations to foster a more sustainable future for our people and planet, and inspire other organisations in our industry to champion their own ESG cause

Our approach

Onecom believes that it is vital we ensure high standards and protocols are set throughout all operations within our business network to take account of our ESG responsibilities and ethical standards. We recognise that ESG considerations are becoming increasingly important and continuously evolving, hence, Onecom formed an ESG committee to ensure ongoing improvement and commitment to integrating ESG considerations into business practices and decision-making procedures.

Onecom takes a pragmatic, ethical and sustainable approach to ensuring our ESG values and criteria are followed across the scope of our operations, as well as through the systems and services we utilise.

Like other organisations in our sector, we continuously face changing customer expectations, so this workstream strives to underpin our approach to setting ESG goals and monitoring our performance.


Outline Onecom’s key principles and values relating to environmental, social and governance factors.

Group 23

Demonstrate Onecom’s commitment to actively incorporating ESG considerations into company-wide practices.

Group 22

Discuss methods Onecom aims to use for tracking our ESG performance.


Examine measures Onecom has implemented so far in relation to ESG.

What we have implemented so far

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Enviromental measures

  • Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, we rolled out Microsoft Teams to our workforce in order to develop our collaboration tools and facilitate virtual meetings – therefore reducing unnecessary commuting / business journeys. Deploying an Agile Working Policy allows our employees to have a successful work-life balance, whilst also reducing Onecom’s carbon footprint.
  • We have changed our company car policy to reduce the number of cars on the road, by funding our staff with allowances to use their own vehicles.
  • Some of our diesel fleet have been replaced with hybrid/electric vehicles, thus reducing the release of CO2 emissions.
  • At the end of 2022, Onecom released an Electric Car Scheme for employees to lease electric vehicles as part of a salary sacrifice scheme.
  • We conduct Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), tracking electricity usage, business mileage etc.
  • We implement strict printing procedures (including printer report logs) to reduce unnecessary waste.
  • We have a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle approach to energy, water, and waste.
  • Reduced unnecessary packaging from handset suppliers.
  • We offer device recycling and utilise a company that refurbishes laptops for employee equipment.
  • Onecom have joined the Supply Chain Sustainability School for facilities management. The membership gives access to learning resources, case studies and webinars across 17 key topics of sustainability.
  • Onecom have partnered with Futureproof to provide us with an intuitive Sustainability Platform to help streamline, monitor, and track progress of our ESG Continual Improvement Plan, for both our short and long-term goals.
  • Onecom have partnered with Ecologi to contribute towards a Solar power project in Indonesia. Our contribution towards this carbon avoidance project has offset 64.9 tonnes of carbon.
  • Onecom have worked with Ecologi and Nokia to plant trees in volumes relative to particular handset purchases. Through Ecologi’s scheme, Onecom’s customers have been able to plant over 18,000 trees as part of reforestation projects.
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Social measures

  • We are fully committed to the prevention of all forms of slavery, forced labour or servitude, child labour and human trafficking, both in our business and in our supply chains. We have procedures in place to ensure all employees are aware and adhere to Onecom’s values regarding human rights.
  • We utilise AquAid Water coolers – with each purchase an automatic donation is made to The Africa Trust. Our partnership with AquAid led to the building of a water well in Africa which has the capability of producing up to 10,000 litres of potable water per day, to upwards of 300 people within the community, who are now able to collect clean drinking water and water for productive use every day.
  • We have incorporate charity work into the Onecom culture through our previous partnerships with:
    o YoungMinds: The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health 
    o XLP: a charity that supports children and young people from disadvantaged inner-city parts of London from diverse ethnic backgrounds, often from broken homes, and who without the support of the charity would be unlikely to fulfil their full potential in life, not seek further education and not pursue meaningful careers. Our support to XLP has involved monetary donations, plus the provision of mobiles, laptops, and SIMs– fully funded by Onecom. Our donations helped young individuals gain internet access and IT equipment to enable them to continue their studies from home during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

    Following showcase presentations and an employee vote that start of 2023, Onecom have chosen to partner with Hope and Homes for Children. In working with Hope and Homes for Children, Onecom will be able to contribute towards a world in which children no longer suffer institutional care.
  • In order to ensure equal opportunities and diversity within our organisation, we conduct unconscious bias training for personnel involved in hiring new staff / promoting employees. We have a track record of recruiting from a diverse pool of talent from all walks of life, as well as where training and development needs vary.
  • Our People and Culture team completes Gender Pay Gap reporting.
  • Work with The Tech She Can Charter - a commitment by organisations to work together to increase the number of women working in technology roles in the UK.
  • A part of our employee engagement strategy includes conducting stress awareness for management staff and mental health awareness training to help identify stressed employees.
  • Onecom has mental health first aiders, who are responsible for logging any cases that come through to them and link any absence data.
  • Onecom’s HR calendar is entwined with mental health calendar and diversity / equality events and relevant posts are distributed via Microsoft Teams, such as pride, World Mental Health Day. World Time To Talk, Eid, menopause, endometriosis and world environmental day to name a few.
  • We conduct active challenges for mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Conduct anonymous internal employee surveys to track employee contentment / thoughts on our approach to social issues / suggestions for improvement etc through OfficeVibe.

Governance measures

  • Onecom are ISO:27001 & ISO:22301 accredited.
  • Onecom are Cyber Essentials Certified.
  • Onecom has an organisation-wide risk management programme in place. We perform risk assessments at least annually which covers security, continuity, and operational risk.
  • In terms of H&S, we monitor using proactive and reactive measures.
  • Onecom takes the lawful handling and processing of personal information very seriously. Our internal IT systems are governed and controlled through multiple layers of management.
  • At Onecom, working fairly, with integrity, and to a high quality is inherent in everything we do. Our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy illustrates our commitment to complying with our obligations under the Bribery Act 2010 and ensuring that no bribes or corrupt payments are made, offered, sought or obtained by anyone acting on our behalf.
  • We are committed to ensuring our annual financial accounts are properly prepared, transparent, and in accordance with relevant accounting standards.
  •  We have created a Master Policy Tracker as an inventory of our internal policies and to track the timing and frequency of their review.
  • We publish an annual modern slavery statement in line with legislation.
  • Onecom took part in a B Corp 'Diagnostic' exercise with external Sustainability Consults to map out our current state across the three ESG pillars and provide a strategy to identify improvement opportunities.
  • Created a Code of Conduct.
  • Have created a Supplier Assurance programme with a comprehensive Supplier Assurance Questionnaire (SAQ), accompanied by our Code of Conduct, to ensure a sustainable and ethical supply chain. 
  • Onecom conduct all our business in an honest and ethical manner and take a zero-tolerance approach to the facilitation of tax evasion. As part of our commitment to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity, Onecom has adopted an ‘Anti-facilitation of Tax Evasion Policy’.

Review frequency of ESG factors

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Environmental measures





Reduce Waste (water, electricity, paper & general waste) & encourage recycling

Reduce CO2 Emissions

Internal Environmental Audits

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Social measures





Internal Health & Safety Reviews

Employee Diversity: Gender Balance

Employee Diversity: Ethnicity Balance

Employee Diversity: Age Balance

Talent Planning

Training Development

CSR Planning & Charity involvement


Governance measures





Management Reviews

Board Review of Sales & Operational Performance

Risk Management

Financial Performance Review with Investors

Internal Cyber Security & GDPR Reviews

Legal Reviews of Updates to Applicable Legislation

A Business with Integrity

Now you know what we stand for, get in touch and learn how we can help your business grow too.

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