When cold-storage company HBCL Coldstores were hit by extensive flooding, they didn't panic.
Earlier that year an investment in proactive business continuity had been made, meaning that whilst flooding effected the local area and access to their main site was cut off, it was business as usual for HBCL.
HBCL Coldstores has also saved money by integrating its landline phones with its mobile and IT platforms in one communications platform. “With One Net Business, we estimate that we will save around 10pc a year on the previous solution,” Ms Lovett says. “We have much greater flexibility than before.”
The benefit of proactive business continuity is very real, minimising disruption and avoiding financial losses being key drivers in implementation. If you don't have a plan in place, step one is to question why. Step two - do something about it!
Watch the full interview here to see just how HBCL Coldstores went about ensuring they could stay connected, whatever happens.
Video originally featured in collaboration with Vodafone, Onecom Communications and the Telegraph:
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