WD-40 Multi-Use Product remains one of the world’s most instantly recognisable brands, used in households and by trades professionals across the globe.
WD-40 had a direct relationship with it’s network provider for a number of years. They became increasingly unhappy with the level of service being provided. WD-40 had been having problems with constantly changing account managers resulting in deteriorating levels of service.
Additionally. they found areas of responsibility were becoming unclear, and the customer service experience was no longer of a consistent standard. It was felt that the provider no longer cared about them.
The Proposal
Although WD-40 tend to use direct suppliers, Onecom had previously approached the company and had kept in touch, Although they did not wish to move provider they were seeking a better level of service.
Onecom gave a presentation to WD-40 who subsequently felt that it would provide the time and investment that they required. They found the level of support available to them was attractive to them and would result in a significant reduction in the time they spent obtaining support.
The End Result
Onecom took over the management of WD-40’s account resulting in time savings. The dedicated account team keep them well informed providing confidence that WD-40 can inform its internal stakeholder effectively. Proactive account management has resulted in peace of mind for the customer.